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​Patients who are unwell with ANY respiratory or infectious symptoms (Sore throat / tickle in throat, cough, headache, diarrhoea, vomiting, fever, short of breath, fatigue, runny nose, loss of taste or smell, ear ache, conjunctivitis) are required to show proof of a negative rapid antigen test (RAT) and wear a mask inside the practice. Alternatively, telephone consultations are available. â€‹


Please note that new patients are unable to access telehealth appointments for their 1st visit due to Medicare requirements. 


COVID vaccines

We are taking bookings for: 

Pfizer BiValent (XBB.1.5) for people aged 12 +​


If you've had previous doses elsewhere, you are welcome to receive additional booster doses here.​


Influenza FLU vaccines

2024 stock of PRIVATE influenza will be available from 15th March.

2024 stock of GOVERNMENT FUNDED influenza will be available from 11th April.


Government funded vaccines will be given to people over 65, children under 5, Pregnant women (any stage of pregnancy), Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People aged 6 months and over & all other Australian citizens aged 6 months and over with an eligible medical condition associated with an increased risk of influenza. (A complete list can be found at:

Shingrix (Shingles) vaccine

An immunisation to protect against shingles. A 2 dose vaccine course is government funded & available to people aged 65 yrs +, ATSI 50 yrs + and severely immunocompromised 18 yrs +.

Boostrix vaccine

This vaccine protects against diphtheria, tetanus & acellular pertussis and is available for purchase at the practice - No prescription needed. Does your family or friends have a new baby?  You may need a whooping cough booster - book in for an appointment today.

Results policy

Our doctors triage patient results. You may be asked to make a follow-up consultation for your doctor to discuss your results with you. If you would like to obtain your results in a specific time frame, we would encourage patients to book in to see their doctor. 

Privacy policy

Boondall Family Practice respects your privacy. Your medical record is strictly confidential. It is the duty of this practice to maintain the security of our patients personal health information at all times and ensure it is only available to authorised members of staff. Our Practice Privacy Policy can be found here.

Support & Emergency Contacts


Life Threatening Emergencies


13 43 25


Health Advice Line

QLD only

1800 020 080



Help Line

1800 551 800

Kids Help Line

Ages 5-25

1300 224 636

Beyond Blue

1800 737 732


Counselling & support services for sexual assault & DVA

13 11 14


1300 789 978

Men’s Line


13 11 26


Information Line

13 14 50

Translating & Interpreting Service

1800 555 660 (TTY)

0416 001 350 (SMS)

National Relay Service

13 17 88

School Watch


13 14 44


Non-urgent incidents

1300 130 670

QLD Human Rights


1300 845 745

Grief Line

1800 811 811 (Women)

1800 600 636 (Men)

Domestic Violence Connect

1300 651 192

Elder Abuse


QLD only

1800 177 833

Alcohol & Drug Information Service

1300 659 467

Suicide Call Back Service

1800 858 858

Gambling Helpline

Boondall Family Practice

Shop 6, 2281 Sandgate Road

Boondall, QLD, 4034.

Hello Home Dr: 134 100
13 Sick: 13 74 25
For an Emergency
Call 000
Nearest Hospital:
The Prince Charles Hospital
Rode Rd, Chermside QLD 4032
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